COLL DE ROSES , Centre Enològic i Lúdic .Roses
et convida a realitzar un viatge amb els cinc sentits pel món del ví.
En una masia castell del S.XVI envoltada de vinyes i d´un paisatge típicament empordanès ,
on s´hi barregen passat i present .
COLL DE ROSES, wine and Leisure Centre. Roses
invites you to a trip to the five senses into the world of wine.
In a castle of XVI century farmhouse surrounded by vineyards and a landscapetypically Empordà
where past and present mingle.
invites you to a trip to the five senses into the world of wine.
In a castle of XVI century farmhouse surrounded by vineyards and a landscapetypically Empordà
where past and present mingle.
Coll de Roses
Cami de les Arenes s/n 17480 Roses · Costa Brava ·
Telf. 972.256.465